PW indices performances PW Indices from 31.12.2023 to 31.12.2024
  • CHF - Low risk : 4.36%
  • CHF - Mid risk : 6.42%
  • CHF - High risk : 9.73%
  • EUR - Low risk : 5.58%
  • EUR - Mid risk : 7.94%
  • EUR - High risk : 9.75%
  • USD - Low risk : 5.50%
  • USD - Mid risk : 7.39%
  • USD - High risk : 9.63%
  • GBP - Low risk : 4.63%
  • GBP - Mid risk : 6.91%
  • GBP - High risk : 5.06%
You manage money
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Evaluate wealth management by comparison

Understand the competitiveness of discretionary management, the efficiency of advisory activities, and monitor the consistency of accounts within the management team, regardless of location and currency. Promote the quality of its management and meet potential clients.

Join the community to...

Understand the competitiveness of their management objectively.

Use external comparisons by currency and risk level to assess management performance.

Identify risk deviations for a universe of accounts

With daily monitoring, quickly identify absolute and relative deviations from risk levels.

Meeting compliance obligations

To complement allocation tracking, you can present a dynamic tracking tool with documentation of alerts and their follow-up.

Defending its performance to clients

Putting client performance into context with simple tools for comparison and analysis.

Communicating the quality of its discretionary management to advisory clients

Share your composites with the community to make the quality of your management known.

Meet potential customers through external referrals

To be put in touch with members of the community looking for managers.

How it works

Performance Watcher is a participatory network that makes it easy to compare, track and communicate investment results.


Participate in the community with your own data in complete anonymity


Compare and evaluate in an interactive, modern and safe way


Monitor results on a daily basis and be alerted in time


Communicating effectively and cost-efficiently

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A powerful and intuitive solution for tracking performance and risk

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Test our perfometer

The Perfometer is the heart of Performance Watcher's analysis tools. Thanks to its simplicity and precision, it allows you to instantly compare the competitiveness of the portfolio under analysis. Without jargon, an explicit and simple-to-understand weather pictogram, gives you the information you need to make your assessment.

For example here, for the last three months, with three anonymised investment funds, very popular in Switzerland:

  • FUND 1 - CHF - Mid Risk
  • FUND 2 - CHF - Mid Risk
  • FUND 3 - CHF - Mid Risk

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They have already joined the community

  • From 2014
  • From 2016
  • From 2016
  • From 2016
  • From 2017
  • From 2017


16 Testimonials
  • Thanks to Performance Watcher, customers have a sense of transparency in an industry which was historically very opaque, both in terms of costs and perfor-mance. Furthermore, their approach gives all the managers, regardless their size, the opportunity to defend their work on an equal footing.

    Laurent Hauswirth
    Founder & CEO
  • In this day and age, transparency must be at the heart of every portfolio manager's concerns. Performance Watcher allows us to achieve 3 primary objectives. First of all, it allows us to ensure that our clients' portfolios are well aligned with their risk profile. Second, it allows us to measure ourselves against other portfolio managers who face constraints that are relatively similar to ours. Finally, it gives us visibility with the industry and potential investors. We encourage the company to continue to develop the tool so that more and more managers adhere to it.

    Alexandre Gulino
    Managing Partner
  • We were one of the first two banks to make the evaluation of their accounts via Performance Watcher accessible to any client who so desired, convinced from the outset that portfolio comparisons, made in a constructive, rigorous and independent manner, strengthen the capital of trust that unites us with the client. Beyond that, this tool puts performance back at the center of the game and contributes significantly to the necessary transparency movement accelerated by digitalization.

    Nicolas Gonet
  • I came to hear of Performance Watcher during a presentation we had organised for the Alliance of Swiss Wealth Managers on the topic of transparency in performance reporting. I had long been interested in finding an instrument that would help our clients better understand how Avalor is working to achieve their performance goals. Performance Watcher offers such a tool, one that is both intuitive and credible, because of its third-party nature. The ultimate effect, funnily enough, is that it enables discussions that are much more focused on those issues – not performance-related – that are of genuine value to clients and their families.

    Amaury Jordan
    Founding partner & CEO
  • As head of investments at VCT Vector Gestion, I am also responsible for controlling the risk of client portfolios under mandate. For this, the use of Performance Watcher is indispensable to me. Since 2014, we have been working with IBO to our complete satisfaction. Benchmarking performance within the same risk budget universe also allows us to ensure the quality of our management. I frequently use the tools made available by Performance Watcher for discussions both at the investment committee level and with the managers.

    Jérôme Cherpillod
    Head of investments
  • As part of the Family Office Services’ supervision, we are committed to use the most accurate and performing tools on the market. Performance Watcher is a simple tool but that does not mean simplistic. It allows us to have a different global vision, in a format and presentation intelligible to all. We use it like a skyline indicator in an aircraft cockpit, we are always in control of our flight thanks to all of our instruments but regularly keep a close eye on the gauge, or if you prefer the Perfometer.

    Olivier Beti
    Responsible Family Office Services
  • Performance Watcher not only helps comparing performances of privately managed portfolios but also puts it into perspective with the risks taken to achieve such performance. It is a very strong tool with powerful functions but easy to understand results. We believe that Performance Watcher offers portfolio managers a tool to further provide transparency to end clients. Being able to compare risk-adjusted performances within different risk budgets also make Performance Watcher a powerful tool for risk control reviews.

    Onur Von Burg
    Executive Director
  • For us, Performance Watcher is first and foremost a portfolio control tool. The tool is clear, factual and inexpensive. Its dashboard with pictograms as well as alerts allow quick action and save precious time in the controls. Time, which we can then use to focus on what we like to do: investment.

    Pierre Unternährer
  • An innovative tool that allows us to compare, in a simple and transparent way, the quality of our investment management with that of our peers. The evaluation of the risk taken to achieve a performance, too often neglected and at the heart of the COGES and Performance Watcher approach, now allows us to objectively measure ourselves against our competitors. All this to better serve our clients.

    Frédéric Durand
    Chief Investment Officer
  • We consider Performance Watcher as an innovative platform that meets the need of our customers in terms of transparency and performance benchmarking. Performance Watcher provides simple and understandable answers to the question of what risk has been taken to achieve the performance and how it is compared to the others. The platform perfectly meets our investment principles: modern, simple, reliable and responsible.

    Adrian Schneider
    Head of Investment Center
  • Joining Performance Watcher from the very beginning, gave us the necessary impetus to develop our investment advice, thus ensuring our customers a performance management that is in complete transparency to market players. The use of PW greatly facilitates interactions with our customers, drastically increases their loyalty to us, and immensely fosters the realization of additional business.

    René Mesot
    Head of private clients
  • Performance Watcher enables us to materialize through a playful and educational tool our risk budget management approach in a transparent and factual way with our clients. Risk management has always been a full integrated investment tool into our portfo-lio building process. This is why we fully adhere to the spirit of Performance Watcher and consider it as an innovative tool that allows us to assess the quality of the performance of our portfolios by comparing it to the same level of risk of our competitors. We are plea-sed to contribute to the success of this unique platform.

    Sébastien Berthoud
    Executive Director – Partner
  • We have been proud supporters and enthusiastic users of Performance Watcher, since its founding. The platform’s seamless integration into our daily workflow and its ability to monitor both performance and risk – set out along clearly-defined clusters we are able to define in collaboration with the company – are vital components in the quality and scalability of our everyday work.

    John-Maximilian de Salis
    Head of UK Market Desk, Geneva
  • Performance Watcher is extremely useful for performance monitoring. Firstly, returns are always linked to risks, allowing apples-with-apples and oranges-with-oranges comparisons. Secondly, it gives transparency on wealth management accounts, hence allowing a fair assessment of our performances against the competition. Finally, the return-risk profiles are displayed in several convenient ways, making performance measurement and presentation easy and informative. I’d like to thank Nicholas and his team for all the enthusiasm and hard work they assure each day.

    Andrea Laurent
    Chief Investment Officer
  • Using Performance Watcher helps us to ask ourselves the right questions when it comes to our investment strategies and their comparison with our competitors. Our clients appreciate the transparence and related open mindset.

    José Thürler
  • We use Performance Watcher for all accounts managed by CAPITALIUM, and this since the launch of the company. We make this tool available to our clients so that they can measure, monitor and compare the performance obtained, no longer against theoretical indices, but against real portfolios of other clients managed by the competition.

    Sebastien Leutwyler
    Managing Partner & CIO